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5 Tips for Starting Seeds Indoors

Indoor gardening and seed starting have been in the trend for a long time, for good reason. Nurseries only stock a certain number of sprouts for lack of space but there are literally thousands of seeds available at those same nurseries and online. If you’re up to the taste of indoor seeds your options are practically endless! It’s also significantly cheaper and so rewarding to literally taste the fruit of your labor in those freshly picked tomatoes that are nothing like the tasteless red orbs at the grocery store.

I think it’s safe to say most people have at least been intrigued by the idea of starting seeds indoors. If you’ve been avoiding it because of the learning curve, here’s five tips that can help get you started.

Moisture level:

Keeping up a proper moisture level is very important for the fresh seeds, as they are very sensitive towards it. Be careful not to water too little or too much. Covering the pot with plastic wrap can help keep the moisture level constant. If the surface of the bedding is dry, take off the covering and sprinkle water over the plant. If the bottom is dry, try sinking the pot in a water-bed of 2 to 3 inches temporarily so the pot can wick moisture from the bottom.


Keeping the seeds warm really does the magic as it encourages the germination process. The best temperature is 65 to 75 degrees. There are heating pads available that are placed under the pots which help to keep the seeds warm and helps with germination. Or you can just use a space heater to keep the temperature up. Keep in mind that if it’s on the warmer side it will dry up faster and need more watering.


Lighting is a very important element in the healthy growth of a seed. Picking a place that has adequate light throughout the day, is ideal. Usually, windows facing south are the best place for plants to grow. Plants tend to grow toward light, so you may have to rotate the pot. Artificial lighting is a good option when you don’t have the windows. Here are the two best options, and the best part is that artificial lightning for seeds doesn’t need to be expensive at all.

  • Grow lights

  • Full spectrum light


As seeds are part of nature and their real place is the outside garden that has plenty of refreshing air, light, and wind that nature provides itself in the form of rain, wind, and sunlight. Starting seeds indoors is a delicate process that needs care in this aspect because, inside the house, the area chosen for indoor seeds might not have the proper ventilation. As the moving air has a key role in the developing of strong roots. The solution for such problem is to have a fan near the plants that give them a smooth and gentle breeze, or just open the window every now and then.

Frequent outside tours:

After following all the above steps, the seed is almost sure to grow perfectly. But if you want to go all-in and give your seeds the royal treatment, take your seed pots in the outside garden for fresh air and sunlight. A sudden move to the ground can also affect the growth of the seeds, so a gradual transition of seeds towards the outside garden is very helpful. Choose a safe spot for your seeds, move them to the outside garden during the day and bring them back during the night. Gradual movement between the outside and inside environments will help the plants adjust to their new home.

Author Bio : Sarah has loved gardening and nature since childhood. She loves to read about new plants and gardening tips. She works for “YourGreenPal” which helps you to quickly find, schedule and pay for Lawn Care Services.

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